

COVID-19 Awareness

Howard K. Hill Funeral Services is Prepared to Safely Care for Our Families


According to the Center for Disease Control (“CDC”), currently, there is no known risk associated with being in the same room at a funeral or visitation service with the body of someone who has died of a confirmed or suspected coronavirus (COVID-19) case. Depending on a family’s preference, their loved one can be safely embalmed, buried, or cremated. Howard K. Hill Funeral Services (“HKH”) remains committed and prepared to safely care for the families it serves during the pandemic. While we recognize our responsibility to protect the health of those we are privileged to serve, we continue to enable families to participate in the rituals that are most important to them. We remain vigilant about cleaning our facilities and ensuring that we follow recommended CDC guidelines, such as:

  • staying home when sick;
  • washing our hands;
  • disinfecting doorknobs & faucets;
  • covering coughs and sneezes; and
  • masks are required in all of our facilities

As an additional protective measure, we have installed clean air technology that contains ultraviolet lights for the specific purpose of killing all mold, bacteria and viruses including the coronavirus. We also reserve the right to limit the number of people in our facilities at any time.


As a member of the National Funeral Directors Association (“NFDA”) and the Connecticut Funeral Directors Association, Howard K. Hill Funeral Services regularly receives information via NFDA from the CDC, Department of Health and Human Services and other agencies about the evolution of COVID-19. We routinely update our guidance based on the information received from both associations. For further information on our policy, please inquire within.



Howard K. Hill Funeral Services
Phone: (203) 624-4477
1287 Chapel St New Haven, CT 06511

Howard K. Hill Funeral Services
Phone: (860) 247-8793
319 Barbour St Hartford, CT 06120

Howard K. Hill Funeral Services
Phone: (860) 769-6841
94 Granby St Bloomfield, CT 06002

© Howard K. Hill Funeral Services
Supported by SRS Computing








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