Grief doesn’t stop after the funeral, which is why aftercare for the bereaved is so important. Our staff are trained to help families through their road to recovery, and we have the resources and expertise to help you move forward. If you are ever in need of aftercare, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Healing Our Community
Experiencing the loss of a loved one creates a torrent of thoughts and feelings including disbelief, numbing, confusion, anger, and more. This stream of emotions quieted for only moments at a time stirs memories of the beloved. Now deprived of that relationship, the bereaved begins surveying the depths of “Why?” The heart of the bereaved yearns to make sense of the loss, the memories of the beloved.
After the funeral services are completed, the process of grieving continues. Zola is a four-session process facilitated by trained pastoral and clinical professionals who guide and walk alongside families during their time of separation and loss. Zola embraces the belief that relationships and bonds that are established with our loved ones give shape and meaning to our lives. This experience is best described by the African concept of relationship, “Help Me and Let Me Help You.” Zola looks thus to shed healing light on the significance of the relationship and connection with the beloved as not ending with the arrival of death. Memories of the beloved are like a precious piece of fabric embroidered and woven into our hearts. Zola helps the bereaved with the grieving process by acknowledging, accepting and taking hold of the torn fabric of the relationship and beginning the experience of re-knitting the fabric of the relationship and moving forward with a new sense of connection to the beloved.